Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapters 26, 27 & 28

26- [bike]
(Pages 166-170)

 Why does Officer Goldsworthy question Eric about the break-ins?

27- [locker]
(Pages 170-176)

 Eric thinks that Griffin is behind having his locker searched. How might the situation been different if Eric would have told the whole truth about Griffin, David and the fight?

28- [confession]
(Pages 177-181)

 Several times in the book, Mary has stated that she does not want to watch bullying happen anymore, however, she does not tell Eric about the plan to beat him up or help him during the fight. Why?
 Would you still be friends with her?


  1. 26 - I think Officer Goldsworthy questions Eric about the break-ins because he thinks that Eric might know that Griffin may or may not have been involved with them.
    27 -The situation may have been different because he would have told them about the fight and they would have had their lockers searched as well.
    28 - She does not tell Eric because she does not want to become a victim of Griffin and make things worse.
    I would have been friends with her still because i understand why she didn't tell him about anything.

  2. Chapter 26
    1.because he hangs out with the people that would do that so he ask him if he knew who did it.
    Chapter 27
    1.that would never happen and there will be a big fight about it and they would not talk to each other again.
    Chapter 28
    1.because she does not Eric to worry or not to be mad.when the word goes around every one will know and it will be Cayuse.
    2.not really because she didn't tell me about it and she should of said soemthing before it happened.

  3. 26- [bike]
    (Pages 166-170)

     Why does Officer Goldsworthy question Eric about the break-ins?
    Because Eric has been hanging out with people that would brake into people houses and it could Officer Goldworthys attenuation so he ask Eric id he new who was doing it.

    27- [locker]
    (Pages 170-176)

     Eric thinks that Griffin is behind having his locker searched. How might the situation been different if Eric would have told the whole truth about Griffin, David and the fight?
    I think that it would not happen because If Eric did then Griffin would have most of his friends go and beat up Eric for telling people what he has done.

    28- [confession]
    (Pages 177-181)

     Several times in the book, Mary has stated that she does not want to watch bullying happen anymore, however, she does not tell Eric about the plan to beat him up or help him during the fight. Why?
    Because she is Eric's friend a little bit but she does not want to be picked on bye Griffin and all of his friends and because she does not want Eric to worry.

     Would you still be friends with her?
    NO because she would not have tolled me about a fight and i would have been friends with her if she had tolled me about a fight and i would try my best to stop it.

  4. 26- [bike]
    (Pages 166-170)

     Why does Officer Goldsworthy question Eric about the break-ins?
    Officer Goldsworthy questions Eric about it because I guess he might think that he broke into that house

    27- [locker]
    (Pages 170-176)

     Eric thinks that Griffin is behind having his locker searched. How might the situation been different if Eric would have told the whole truth about Griffin, David and the fight?
    How the situation would have been different is they would have found out it was Griffin. He would have been expelled from school and sent to jail for stealing. And with the fight, they would be scolded and suspended from school.

  5. 28- [confession]
    (Pages 177-181)

     Several times in the book, Mary has stated that she does not want to watch bullying happen anymore, however, she does not tell Eric about the plan to beat him up or help him during the fight. Why?
    She doesn't want to become a target to Griffin, so eventually they would both have something happen to them.

     Would you still be friends with her?
    I would not be friends will her because if she knew about this and had never told either me or a adult is like she would want me to be beat up.

  6. 26- [bike]
    (Pages 166-170)

     Why does Officer Goldsworthy question Eric about the break-ins?
    Eric told the officer about Griffin and then the officer questioned him about the break ins. He would questioned him about that probably because he thinks that if Griffin stole the bike he probably has stolen other things too.
